@emerald green @BigG @1875
EGB has partly replied but I will try explain more. Firstly emerald, if you were having a bit of banter that's fine, I can still take a joke. Yes there is attacks on churches. I do not condone attacks on Mosques either, though if Germany felt that the Mosque they shut down was because of hate preachers then fair enough.
Anyhow it is not about Muslims, but anyone who vandalises/targets churches. All I was saying was the same thought must be for all and none of us should jump to a conclusion...yes I learned my lesson.
Another way churches have been desecrated appears to be when a church is taken over and becomes a Mosque, and Christian graves are dug up so their land doesn't become "desecrated". Now these coffins may be relocated with agreement with the council, I should hope they would? But has there been agreement with families?
But to be fair, I lost the chain of the thread prior to what Rocky had posted
Anyway back to the point as Ill just ramble, here is links to recent attacks on churches
Two Somerset churches vandalised in separate incidents
Reverend Debbi Turley of St Peter's Church in Taunton said the vandalism was "devastating" to find.www.bbc.co.uk
Not terrorist attacks no, the first likely being a theft
The one EGB pointed to
Statue of Virgin Mary destroyed by vandals at Westminster diocese church - Catholic Herald
Statue of Virgin Mary destroyed by vandals at church in Westminster diocesecatholicherald.co.uk
The bigger picture in the world concerns me. My daughter in laws family have lost their homes despite working 50 odd years and paying taxes in India and are now receiving zero help and having to live in rural districts with family in overcrowded homes. So forgive me if I feel a bit raw when it appears open season on the church. Two or three years ago you could never have expected this to happen.
Back to the UK though, it would look like the Christian church has collapsed for sure, but that is a false picture. Yes church attendance is down by a huge number. That does not mean there is no Christians. In fact I would go so far as to say there might be more. What do I mean by that? Well for years people went to church because it was expected of them. They may have had little faith or none. The established church has vicars who do not even believe in God but want to be a help to others, or worse, enjoy the pay and house that comes with it.
But there are thousands of independent churches springing up where people who do want to explore their faith where they do this as a community of believers rather than relying on one minister/priest to meet all their spiritual and material needs. I have seen churches with as little as a dozen believers through to churches with over 1000 worshippers.
I have seen Emerald negatively mention fundamentalists. But you talk about fundamentalists as if they are all prone to violence and hate. They are not, in fact it would be better to label those who are as hate preachers, whatever their religious persuasion. A fundamentalist is merely someone who believes and sticks to what they believe to be true and does not change with the wind. Very few Christians nowadays I would describe as fundamentalist as they tend to veer from the scriptures in one way or another. But if someone has a particular belief why should they change just because others don't believe their truth? Some people believe it is ok to have a pint but not condoning drunkenness, others say it is better to not drink alcohol at first. But if they respect other peoples right to an opinion then who is being hurt? The fundamentalist in the pack is not harming anyone. But if he/she then says, drinking is evil, we need to stone/jail them then I would label them haters/hate preachers.
Sorry Davy.
I’m retired and therefore rules about “not drinking on school days” no longer apply.
It’s possible I’ll return to your post, but it’s far too long to read in one go.