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  • hibeesbounce

Southport Stabbings

We've not moved on from anywhere , you asked a question and I answered it, and please read my posts properly, I never said a word about immigrants moaning aboot chapatis or anything else, its about integration.
There are many shitholes in the UK, do we need more?
As for paignton , it used tae be a great place what folk moan about now are the jakeys that have been cleared out of other towns ending up here.
And the homelessness, although the govt found the money to put migrants up in seafront hotels
We've not moved on from anywhere , you asked a question and I answered it, and please read my posts properly, I never said a word about immigrants moaning aboot chapatis or anything else, its about integration.
Youve not understood. Just been using your bad example on yourself
There are many shitholes in the UK, do we need more?
So, the inference there is that immigrants create shitholes. Thats a sweeping statement.
As for paignton , it used tae be a great place what folk moan about now are the jakeys that have been cleared out of other towns ending up here.
Unfortunate and I sympathise. Wee silver lining insomuch as its the jakeys fault here and no the immigrants.
The unavoidably obvious comes from Herr Ryan. The just about avoidable if you don’t know, or don’t want to know, about Nazi patter, is all over the Israel thread.
So the resident mentalist mainly? I do engage now and again with him, but its brutally hard work and he is the defination of an internet troll. He very rarely engages. He posts his bile then fucks off wi a chubby. You saying the board is full of "nazi patter" then me asking you to show, and you reducing it to a thread isnae really as strong arguement. I absolutely disagree that there has been "nazi patter" all over that thread.
Much as anti Nazis would wish it otherwise, what actually defines Nazis then and especially now, is an obsession with the unique evil and manipulation of Jews.
Yes, thats true, there is an obsession with that particular religion... but lets be honest if we look around the world at the "neo nazi" for want of a better expression, that obsession/hatred for the sons of Abraham and Sarah stretches, generally to anyone not white, and when its in non white dominant countries, to peoples not the same as them... if that makes sense 😆
Not jihadis - who they were and often remain quite admiring of - not people who want to transition children, not people who want to base politics on racial grouping and baiting (I’m actually not sure they’d be wholly opposed to that): Jews.
I would pop jihadis in amongst that group you descibe with th caveat that they love a wee indiscriminate slaughter here n there, and generally like to subjugate their womenfolk, and are partial to blowing things up, often including themselves. I would agree that most jews should find the things you post an abhorrance. Probably even the Zionists... so aye, fair point
Don’t give me your klaxons while you are managing to miss this while groundlessly implying others are racist.
Again, just like yesterday, where have I ever said someone is rascist? You can look anywhere you like. You think me asking other bouncers simple questions, so that I can try and understand them is "groundlessly implying rascism" thats on you mate its not from my perspective. Try and understand that going forward please. If i thought you were a rascist fucktard, i would type that.
It’s implicit in what you say EGers. You insinuate those opposed to humongous levels of legal migration are racist. Where do you think that such unlikely rhetoric originates and who does it serve?
Where am i insinuating anything? Again, im simply asking questions, which is my right on the board so i can understand where that poster is coming from. You see why we are enterinf freeegbheid territory.
That migration is the mechanism by which wealth polarisation is achieved across the contemporary west. It just is.
Dont disagree, not sure where I previously have.
Not very sharp cookies in the media will huff; it’s greedy capitalists. And it is. But what does that tell us? What are the instruments and mechanisms by which greedy capitalists achieve this? Well, it’s by creating labour force elasticity through offshoring and colossal migration. That allows them to cut wages and t&c, pass a little on through price reduction and pocket the rest. I wrote a (for once) wholly serious post on how this process works recently. I’ll dig it out if you are actually interested.
Yes, I know these things. I know its the capitalists. I know its the super wealthy. I know its the multi nationals. I know they have almost every countries politicians in their back pockets. Stop! thinking your the only one that can see these things😆😆
Tldr; you can as is your right choose to act like a walking HSBC ad and groundlessly insinuate anything from parochialism to racism in those opposed to the mechanism of wealth polarisation.
What a load of tripe. Stop it 😆
But to do so you’d have to be a willing enthusiast of global capitalism or an unwitting stooge of its enabling propaganda lines.
Well lucky for me im not, and ive not seen one bouncer who is.
I prefer to assume people aren’t unwitting stooges, so am forced to conclude they’re all in for global capitalism.
Your not forced to conclude anything. You are however choosing.
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So the resident mentalist mainly? I do engage now and again with him, but its brutally hard work and he is the defination of an internet troll. He very rarely engages. He posts his bile then fucks off wi a chubby. You saying the board is full of "nazi patter" then me asking you to show, and you reducing it to a thread isnae really as strong arguement. I absolutely disagree that there has been "nazi patter" all over that thread.
You’re not familiar with it then. Or perhaps the opposite, desensitised by its normalisation.

Do you think it’s perfecty normal to have ‘Zionists’ depicted as a unique evil (now there’s a theme from history), bizarre blood and soils myths rattled out, chat about Zionist influences on governments (now there’s another theme) as well as the general eye popping obsessiveness? Really ? You’re not one of the ideologues EGers, I’m surprised it hasn’t struck you as a little bit different to how other worse situations are met.

I stress that I think that Ryan is the only Nazi sympathiser, but plenty recycling their patter.
Yes, thats true, there is an obsession with that particular religion... but lets be honest if we look around the world at the "neo nazi" for want of a better expression, that obsession/hatred for the sons of Abraham and Sarah stretches, generally to anyone not white, and when its in non white dominant countries, to peoples not the same as them... if that makes sense 😆
I know what you mean, but it doesn’t really. Common or garden racists, yes, but Nazis remain obsessed by the Jews. They tend to view blacks and so on as just fodder manipulated by them. Doesn’t mean they aren’t perfectly capable of generalised racism, but it’s all about the Jews EGers…. Again, with Nazis, not everyday xenophobes or racists.
I would pop jihadis in amongst that group you descibe with th caveat that they love a wee indiscriminate slaughter here n there, and generally like to subjugate their womenfolk, and are partial to blowing things up, often including themselves. I would agree that most shows should find the things you post an abhorrance. Probably even the Zionists... so aye, fair point

Again, just like yesterday, where have I ever said someone is rascist? You can look anywhere you like. You think me asking other bouncers simple questions, so that I can try and understand them is "groundlessly implying rascism" thats on you mate its not from my perspective. Try and understand that going forward please. If i thought you were a rascist fucktard, i would type that.

Where am i insinuating anything? Again, im simply asking questions, which is my right on the board so i can understand where that poster is coming from. You see why we are enterinf freeegbheid territory.
Ok, if I have misunderstood I apologise EGers. I took you to be differentiating between concern over illegal immigration being ok, but concern over legal migration to imply shady motives. Parts of England I have been to are as Paignton describes. I don’t think you’d like living there anymore than he or I would.
Dont disagree, not sure where I previously have.

Yes, I know these things. I know its the capitalists. I know its the super wealthy. I know its the multi nationals. I know they have almost every countries politicians in their back pockets. Stop! thinking your the only one that can see these things😆😆

What a load of tripe. Stop it 😆

Well lucky for me im not, and ive not seen one bouncer who is.

Your not forced to conclude anything. You are however choosing.
Right so I should stop thinking I’m the only one who can see it….but it’s also tripe? Ok.

There are more than a few bouncers who are enthusiastically for open borders or who poo poo any complaints about mega migration. If you are declaring yourself not among that number and you’re just grilling Paignton for sport, fair enough, I’ll believe you.

But taking those positions while claiming not be supporting global capitalism - which is the reason for much of it, and the only context in which it can happen - is like advocating cigarettes while claiming to oppose lung cancer.
Postscript to the above. I expect we’ll see more of this sort of thing. Bernie Sanders may have been done in by the capitalist / identity politics machine the democrats had become, for saying much the same thing, but I’m not sure they can ignore it now. Nor European parties that take their lead from them.

“In the long run, progressives have no choice but to acknowledge that huge infusions of migrants stress welfare systems and depress wages for low-skill workers, while damaging social cohesion. Only by accepting this, and making the case for border security and less tolerance for migrant rule-breaking, can the Left reconnect with its blue-collar roots.

And perhaps it isn’t such a heretical thought. Across the world, Left-leaning political parties have fared best when they have adopted restrictive policies on migration. The reigning Social Democratic Party of Denmark has won successive elections over the last decade with no fear from the populist Right, in large part because of its refusal to take in new asylum seekers and in its efforts to reduce any net migration.”


“The Left seems to have all but forgotten who is pushing, behind the scenes, for fewer immigration barriers. The fast food giants, industrial agribusiness interests, slaughterhouses, and other business groups lobby to import new workers on a strictly economic basis. Corporate executives leaned on the Biden Administration to increase the flow of migration over the last four years to reduce what they euphemistically called “wage inflation” — business-speak for higher wages won by tight labour markets. Silicon Valley, meanwhile, has championed its own immigration lobbying bonanza in a bid to bring lower wage computer programmers to American shores.

Most mainstream Democrats, including Joe Biden, once sang a different tune and recognised the connection between business and mass migration. Back in 2006, Biden previously campaigned on building a new border fence and enacting new laws to “punish American employers who knowingly violate the law when they hire illegals”.

But the shift away from their traditionally tough stance has coincided with the changing demographics of the party base, especially its core of urban, educated professionals — who tend to benefit economically from mass migration. If you’re an educated white-collar worker, it’s unlikely you will face direct economic competition with a migrant hailing from Venezuela or Afghanistan. In most cases, you benefit from the lower wages of immigrant Uber drivers, maids, and kitchen staff in the form of cheaper goods and services. And there’s a small chance that you will be competing with migrants for limited spots at a homeless shelter or in line at the food bank.”

Yup. It is the many labelled as ‘far right’ who in fact stuck with the politics of labour - and who know how to stop the actual far right - while Wall Street / Ivy League identity politics shills have somehow got away with that labelling. And more remarkably, got some working class people to follow them.
Yes i agree the introduction of other cultures is grand and enriching to society as a whole. Your "point" differs from other people point. For your average knuckle scraping british bulldog tattooed fucktard we are already passed the "point"
C'mon EG , buck up. You missed out right wing racist
Replying like this rather than abswering any of the questions put to you is simply brutal patter 😆 .

I actually feel sorry for wee angry old men like yourself.

Hope you have a great day mate
I think I’ve answered everything you’ve asked to be fair, and I’m actually quite a jolly chap
no probs.
..but we need to correct a few things... the immigration policy IS controlled. Probably poorly, so we are looking for stricter control i presume?.

What if we get the stricter control you and many others desire and we still end up with parts of the UK looking like "kabul or Pakistan"?. Id expect the next step logical step would be mass deportations?
How do we quantify "people who wish to contribute to our society"? How do we quantify peoples "fleeing persecution"? (im sure we try to check this out under the current policy). Genuine questions mate, no snidey or any such shit levelled at me previously from big poppa.
Stricter control, yes
A key part of immigration is integration and becoming part of the society you’ve moved to not trying to change it to the society you’ve left.
People apply to come here and if they have the skills we need and are short of welcome.
People who’s lives are in genuine danger who haven’t broken any laws in their own country.
Whoever they are, whatever they are and no matter how or why they came here if they break the law they’re gone no more ECHR rulings or woolly fuckin liberals saying you can’t deport this evil rapist cause his family in the UK have rights etc.
Happy now ??
Stricter control, yes
A key part of immigration is integration and becoming part of the society you’ve moved to not trying to change it to the society you’ve left.
People apply to come here and if they have the skills we need and are short of welcome.
People who’s lives are in genuine danger who haven’t broken any laws in their own country.
Whoever they are, whatever they are and no matter how or why they came here if they break the law they’re gone no more ECHR rulings or woolly fuckin liberals saying you can’t deport this evil rapist cause his family in the UK have rights etc.
Happy now ??
Im always happy mate.

So like, immigrants now living in London should have pie n mash n jellied eels once a week, those in yorkshire should get their bunnets on, those in Edinburgh should take up the bagpipes, those in west of scotland should take bigotry courses, those in the country should were jodhpurs, muslims should hit the pubs and nightclubs and get reekin, or start eating pig. The brain dead immigrants should watch coronation street and eastenders... that type of thing? Im being flippant because theres no really a british society. It means different things to different folks.
Bird of a feather stick together. Name a community that hasnae.

By the way, youve still no answered my post. How do we qauntify what you want?. There is a system in place already which tries to do just that. Folks are checked if there is a danger that they could be murdered by a regime in the country they have left, we already fast track skilled people etc. Those advocating sharia law for example can advocate all they want, its no happening and its no becoming law. If Those peoples dont like that, they can either continue living under our justice system or the can migrate to a country somewhere else that is under sharia (as an example). If they break the law trying to bring sonething like that in they should be jailed.

Dont think anyone has an issue with rapists being jailed. All rapists caught should be jailed. Regardless of where they come from.

Just because general sweeping statements get queried, it doesnae automatically put the person asking the question at odds with person making the sweeping statements.

When your no so fired up, we could mibbes drill into "becoming part of the society theyve moved to".
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Im always happy mate.

So like, immigrants now living in London should have pie n mash n jellied eels once a week, those in yorkshire should get their bunnets on, those in Edinburgh should take up the bagpipes, those in west of scotland should take bigotry courses, those in the country should were jodhpurs, muslims should hit the pubs and nightclubs and get reekin, or start eating pig. The brain dead immigrants should watch coronation street and eastenderers... that type of thing? Im being flippant because theres no really a british society. It means different things to different folks.
Bird of a feather stick together. Name a community that hasnae.

By the way, youve still no answered my post. How do we qauntify what you want?. There is a system in place already which tries to do just that. Folks are checked if there is a danger that they could be murdered by a regime in the country they have left, we already fast track skilled people etc. Those advocating sharia law for example can advocate all they want, its no happening and its no becoming law. If Those peoples dont like that, they can either continue living under our justice system or the can migrate to a country somewhere else that is under sharia (as an example). If they break the law trying to bring sonething like that in they should be jailed.

Dont think anyone has an issue with rapists being jailed. All rapists caught should be jailed. Regardless of where they come from.

Just because general sweeping statements get queried, it doesnae automatically put the person asking the question at odds with person making the sweeping statements.

When your no so fired up, we could mibbes drill into "becoming part of the society theyve moved to".
The trouble is some Muslims are already voting along religious lines, see support for Palestine, and when their minority becomes even bigger watch out for some of sharia laws to be called for. Its already unofficially practiced in some communities.
Becoming part of the society means coming out and condemning so called honour killings,arranged marriages, integrating, learning the fuckin language would be a fuckin start.
Oh, and not fired up at all, pretty calm really.
The trouble is some Muslims are already voting along religious lines, see support for Palestine, and when their minority becomes even bigger watch out for some of sharia laws to be called for. Its already unofficially practiced in some communities.
Becoming part of the society means coming out and condemning so called honour killings,arranged marriages, integrating, learning the fuckin language would be a fuckin start.
Oh, and not fired up at all, pretty calm really.
Im always happy mate.

So like, immigrants now living in London should have pie n mash n jellied eels once a week, those in yorkshire should get their bunnets on, those in Edinburgh should take up the bagpipes, those in west of scotland should take bigotry courses, those in the country should were jodhpurs, muslims should hit the pubs and nightclubs and get reekin, or start eating pig. The brain dead immigrants should watch coronation street and eastenderers... that type of thing? Im being flippant because theres no really a british society. It means different things to different folks.
Bird of a feather stick together. Name a community that hasnae.

By the way, youve still no answered my post. How do we qauntify what you want?. There is a system in place already which tries to do just that. Folks are checked if there is a danger that they could be murdered by a regime in the country they have left, we already fast track skilled people etc. Those advocating sharia law for example can advocate all they want, its no happening and its no becoming law. If Those peoples dont like that, they can either continue living under our justice system or the can migrate to a country somewhere else that is under sharia (as an example). If they break the law trying to bring sonething like that in they should be jailed.

Dont think anyone has an issue with rapists being jailed. All rapists caught should be jailed. Regardless of where they come from.

Just because general sweeping statements get queried, it doesnae automatically put the person asking the question at odds with person making the sweeping statements.

When your no so fired up, we could mibbes drill into "becoming part of the society theyve moved to".
Immigrants in Nottinghamshire should have compulsory archery lessons.
I'm sure this was mentioned here a number of times.

"Two men have been charged with assaults on police officers following an incident at Manchester Airport ✈️ in July 👍

Mohammed Amaaz, 20, is charged with two offences of causing actual bodily harm, one charge of assaulting an emergency worker and one charge of common assault.

Muhammed Amaad, 25, is charged with causing actual bodily harm.

The Crown Prosecution Service said no police officers 👮👮‍♀️ 🚓 would be charged in relation to the incident.
The polis have made a James Hunt of that incident.
There's no a happy outcome to this.

From what I remember a geezer abused the laddies ma on a flight. They confronted said geezer and the bizzies were called.

Then It kicked off.
The polis have made a James Hunt of that incident.
There's no a happy outcome to this.

From what I remember a geezer abused the laddies ma on a flight. They confronted said geezer and the bizzies were called.

Then It kicked off.
That's b*llshit, just like the story about two little gits that have been left traumatised by the police actions.

If you've watched the video of them kicking off and breaking the police ladies nose you can see they've most likely been involved in violence in the past. They are not two innocent wee angels. I fully expect they will end up with soft sentences in January.

The story was third on the ITN news and still placed emphasis on the police not being charged. Our media and politicians are unbelievably corrupt.
That's b*llshit, just like the story about two little gits that have been left traumatised by the police actions.

If you've watched the video of them kicking off and breaking the police ladies nose you can see they've most likely been involved in violence in the past. They are not two innocent wee angels. I fully expect they will end up with soft sentences in January.

The story was third on the ITN news and still placed emphasis on the police not being charged. Our media and politicians are unbelievably corrupt.
Fully expecting a guardian piece by Monday bemoaning that the cops have not been charged.
Very quick to want folk shot aren't you?

What happens if a family member transgresses are you quite happy to have a state appointed servant dish out the ultimate punishment? Nope didn't think so.
Where have I said I want anybody shot? I'm saying for causing a ruckus at an airport in these times he's lucky he only got a kick in the puss ,anywhere else he probably would have been shot.
Tolerant Britain.
Where have I said I want anybody shot? I'm saying for causing a ruckus at an airport in these times he's lucky he only got a kick in the puss ,anywhere else he probably would have been shot.
Tolerant Britain.
No, you didn't say you wanted him shot. You said he should have stamped on his head harder.

I don't suppose that could kill anyone like.

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